We appreciate you being here.
We pray that you and yours are all safe and doing well, now and always.
Message from Kristina and Steven
Crystal Clean Green Cleaning Update - Current Condition
We did our best to communicate with everyone the news of our dearest Stephanie’s passing.
It still doesn’t seem real, if that makes sense…
We are grateful for your outreach and support during these times.
We also need to communicate how CCGC is impacted.
A few days before Stephanie’s accident, Alicia had resigned.
This leaves all our wonderful clients needing service and only Kristina in the field.
the plan
At this moment, we do not have the ability to adhere to our original schedule.
Until we regain the ability to serve - everyone is “ON-CALL,” effective immediately.
(We have already begun working on the schedule - if we you’ve heard from us in the past 48 hours - it is still good to go.)
We will create schedules for the following week on Wednesdays and reach out directly to you to confirm and book our next visit.
The frequency will be impacted: During the time we build teams - weekly homes should expect to see us within 10-14 days; bi-weekly homes will range between 3-4 weeks between visits.
Steven updated all online job posts and has signs to post along the roadways. We continuously look for new ways to find and attract team members - if you think someone might be a good addition to our CCGC Family, please send them to our site!
We know that minimum wage is increasing incrementally, and entry-level jobs are currently paying at $15+/hr - we all have to keep this in mind as we build teams or at least attempt to attract applicants - cleaning is hard work - competitive pay must stay competitive.
Our training will have the same quality level; however, it will be delivered in a way where the “trainee” can become the “trainer” within 45 days.
Our onboarding will be more streamlined.
We will host hiring events.
We promise that we will do everything we can to remedy this as quickly as possible.
How to help
We ask all who can - to purchase “cleaning credits,” or pre-pay, for the next one or two cleanings.
Alternatively, so many have been asking for ways to assist us directly - We’ve figured out a way - Please see below.
Let friends, family, and neighbors know that we provide COVID disinfecting and Home Watch Services.
Refer great people you meet that provide you with great service (IE, grocery store, restaurant, etc.) - we have awesome-looking employee referral cards - let us know if you would like some.
If you experience any issues - fill out the quick form below - and we can send a payment link directly from our system.
Please know that it is safe, encrypted, and secure either way you choose.
We appreciate any help you can provide. - Steven
Holiday Box Deliveries are Resuming This Week!
Newsletters near completion - soon to be delivered!